Vicki Helyar

Vicki Helyar

Actor ∘ Director ∘ Writer


Past Work

Vicki is a commissioned writer and filmmaker, with short film Potholes being awarded funding by Exeter Phoenix and premiering at their 2023 film festival Two Short Nights.

In 2022 Vicki recently released the web series Abnormal, a one-woman prequel to the mental-health-with-a-twist-comedy that started life as a TV sitcom screenplay. Abnormal has received much positive feedback and has had thousands of views on YouTube. In 2021 Vicki entered the TV screenplay for Abnormal into the BAFTARocliffe comedy sitcom writing competition and the feedback that it received was highly favourable: ‘With an extremely clear and descriptive narrative voice, a strong atmosphere and plenty of intrigue, the writer shows promise at constructing an engaging story and world, as well as an insightful exploration of mental health and coming-of-age’. Abnormal has now had the benefit of professional read-throughs, with a view to progressing it into production.

Vicki also recently wrote and directed her first feature film comedy-drama Twelfth Day, which is currently in post-production.


With a naturalistic flair and her distinct brand of dry humour, Vicki likes to explore unique, leftfield characters often in heightened situations, delving into the more challenging aspects of people’s emotions and circumstances.

Vicki is drawn to creating fully rounded female characters in their own worthy and substantial stories, something that she sees as still somewhat lacking in on-screen storytelling.

As a Somerset native and resident, Vicki is a strong advocate for better representing characters and stories of the south west of England, as well as supporting and contributing to the on-screen industry in the area.